After many, many hours of searching and trying, I brought home something that were not along the lines of what I originally had in mind.

A pair of CLARKS.  With heels.  2" heels and 1/2" platforms, to be exact.

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Tho this is not the first time for me to be mistaken as a Korean, I have never had anyone who was so SHE MUST BE KOREAN to me in a very multi-cultural environment.  So the scenario was as follows --

Me helping two customers at the check-out line.  One was a returning customer who knew me and the other was ... some guy.  They were both Chinese, and spoke a dialect that sounded very similar to 四川話, but sounded a little different to me (tho it could be 四川話 after all, since the only 四川話 I ever hear is from 婆婆).

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It's been a while since we've worked side-by-side, so when Mr. C asked which register I wanted to take, I chose the one next to him (it was also partially because I wanted to avoid the responsibility of having to returns on that other machine).  Business was steady, for the most part, but not overwhelming, so I was free to work on my other assigned tasks instead of having to hang out up front.  But then the ladies with the manic kids who wouldnt shut the hell up came to check-out with quite a number of items in their cart.  Like "old times," he came to help my bag the merchandise.  While I was only on item 3, he said:

"Let me do this (check the items) because I do this lightning fast.  You can bag instead." 

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  • Sep 09 Wed 2009 01:48
  • H ...

I had a dream last nite where I thought very hard to remember the cyworld username for the girl whom I thought came in between me and my previous boyfriend.  It was a coincidence that all of our usernames started with the letter H, but no matter how hard I tried to remember, I couldnt.

I woke up for a bit thinking about the issue and went back to sleep.  In the dreams that occurred afterwards, I came up with two names that began with H.  One was Herbig and the other was Herndon, and I just couldnt decide which one it was.

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I know that things will never be able to go back to the way they used to be.  I knew, know, and should have known better, that NOTHING ever goes back to the way that it used to be.

It either advances or falls behind, and if the latter, eventually fades ... all the way, or to some extent, small or big. 

findingmimi 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

  • Aug 11 Tue 2009 13:22
  • 戀上

Hey Teresa.


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I slept weird last nite.  Went to bed at 9, woke up at 2, back to sleep at 4, woke up at 6 ... finally went to sleep again at 8 and woke up at 9. 

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  • Aug 04 Tue 2009 06:51
  • Cat

One of the managers told me about her cat today.  While she was on loan from the Ft. Worth store, she made arrangements for a friend to check up on her house and help feed her cat.  The friend wasnt much of an animal lover, and kind of didnt take into account that maybe the ac should be left on for the cat. 


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So ... went to the hostess club last nite.  Its not really worth mentioning, except for how someone offered up to $300 for me to sit at his table.  What I rather think about is this:

Would they have ice cream at Taco Bell?

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I really love watching 康熙來了, but the English teachers they have on the show, and including the hosts themselves, speak CRAP English.  Which is FINE really, because not everyone needs to speak English well, if at all, but there is no need to mis-inform the general Taiwanese public with article rules and the meaning of names and what should or should not be a name ...

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